Are Angel Hernandez And Schwarber Friends (SECRET FACTS)

There have been several notable clashes in Major League Baseball due to the sometimes-heated interactions between umpires and players. A particular instance of this concerned athlete Kyle Schwarber and umpire Angel Hernandez. The facts of their disagreement on the field, Hernandez’s subsequent professional developments, and whether or not the two are friends are all covered in this post.

Angel Hernandez and Kyle Schwarber: Friends or Foes?

It is well known that Philadelphia Phillies outfielder Kyle Schwarber and longtime MLB umpire Angel Hernandez are not friends. Like many umpire-player relationships, theirs is essentially a professional one. Because of the nature of their roles, relations are frequently contentious, especially when calls are contested.

The Controversial Encounter

The Phillies at Milwaukee Brewers game on April 24, 2022, featured the most prominent altercation between Hernandez and Schwarber. Hernandez’s dubious strike zone, which irritated both sides, will be remembered from this game. When Schwarber was called out on strikes in the ninth inning on a fastball that he and many others thought was obviously outside the strike zone, the tension reached a fever pitch.

Details of the Incident:

  • Schwarber’s Reaction: Out of fury, Schwarber threw his helmet and bat and yelled at Hernandez. His body language suggested that he thought Hernandez had been unreliable throughout the game, failing to make calls for either team.

  • Ejection: The drama of the situation was further enhanced when Hernandez swiftly removed Schwarber from the game. The public saw Schwarber’s reaction and it became a topic of discussion among observers and supporters.

Impact of the Incident

Hernandez’s umpiring performance has been a source of persistent worry, which the conflict brought to light. His reported inaccuracy and inconsistent play, especially when calling balls and strikes, have been the target of years of criticism from both players and spectators.

Was Angel Hernandez Forced to Retire?

Angel Hernandez had not been made to retire as of May 2024, when I last updated this page. Hernandez is an umpire in Major League Baseball games in spite of persistent criticism and well-publicized errors. However, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding his career:

Lawsuit Against MLB:

  • Allegations of Discrimination: In Hernandez sued MLB in 2017, claiming that he had been the victim of racial discrimination in promotions and umpiring assignments. He stated that he was passed up for assignments in the World Series because of his ethnicity.

  • MLB’s Defense: MLB retorted that the dearth of high-profile assignments was due to Hernandez’s performance rather than his race. The complaint has raised more questions about Hernandez’s professional background.

Public and Professional Opinion

The controversy around the caliber of MLB umpiring has been sparked by the Schwarber incident and other incidents of a similar nature. Umpire accountability and training are sometimes criticized by fans and analysts.

Technological Solutions:

  • Automated Strike Zones: Automatic strike zone technology is one suggested way to increase calling balls and strikes’ accuracy and consistency. Inadvertent mistakes and tense exchanges between players and umpires might be decreased by doing this.



In MLB, umpire-player interactions may sometimes be acrimonious. Angel Hernandez and Kyle Schwarber’s relationship is a prime example of this. Despite their animosity, their notorious incident highlights more significant problems with baseball officiating. Hernandez continues to be a working umpire and provoke discussion among baseball fans in spite of the scandals and legal disputes. As the game changes, there is still a strong need for better umpiring standards and potential technological advancements.

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